Recently, I've found myself in several conversations about birth stories, and the importance of giving them space to be shared. There is a power in telling stories -- in sharing them, speaking them, hearing them, reading them. Some stories are private, and I deeply respect that, but I'd love to collect and share those birth stories that want to be shared.
So, let me know if you'd be interested in sharing your story/stories. I am absolutely open to the idea of including birth stories of adoptions, surrogacy, known donor births, stories of loss, and other "nontraditional" birth stories (that word "nontraditional" is really insufficient, and I'm fumbling for a better one). Stories can be shared anonymously, or under your name -- as you prefer.
I'm also intrigued by the idea of recording audio of parents telling the birth stories of their children. If you're in the NYC area, we can set up a time to record together (you'd get a copy of the mp3 file for free, of course). The birth does not have to be recent, and you don't have to have anything written down, or you can come with a story "script" or notes.
I don't know where this project will go. There have been suggestions there should be a new book of birth stories, or that I should write a play that somehow incorporates many people's stories/experiences. I'll certainly keep anyone submitting apprised of developments.