Note: If you are in demonstrable financial need and would like in-home support, I encourage you to contact postpartum doulas in your area. Some may have payment plan options, charge on a sliding scale, or they may be able to refer you to another doula or organization who can help.
Distance or "Virtual" Doula Services may be a good choice for families who:
- will have friends or relatives staying with them and helping out, but who wish to also be able to consult with a certified postpartum doula.
- cannot find a postpartum doula available in their area for the time period they need.
- wish to keep visitors/outsiders to a minimum during the postpartum days.
- did not initially budget for in-home postpartum doula services, but who wish to secure some form of supplemental support.
- are looking for someone to research and distill individualized, evidence-based information regarding the prenatal and/or postpartum/parenting experience.
Especially if you will be breastfeeding/chestfeeding, I encourage you to consider booking at least one or two in-home visits from a postpartum doula, IBCLC (certified lactation consultant), or lactation counselor (CLC, CLEC, etc.) during the early days when you and your newborn are establishing your milk supply and the feeding relationship.
Please also note -- If you hire me as your in-home postpartum doula, email and phone support are already included in that hourly rate.
- $600 will secure email and/or text support from your 36th week of pregnancy/expectancy (or later) through 6 weeks after you have given birth. Weekly (optional) Skype or video chat consultations will be included.
Prenatally, we can discuss any topics about which you are curious -- including your birth options, creating a Birth Plan, choosing a pediatrician, planning a home birth or hospital or birth center birth, planned cesarean birth choices, cloth diapering, feeding, nursery and gear needs, family rhythms/routines, and more. I can help you create a personalized Postpartum Support Plan that will assist you in identifying additional sources of support you may have in your network of friends and family.
You will receive daily emails from me during the first 8 days after birth (assuming you let me know which day is Day 1), with information on what may be going on with the postpartum body (if applicable), your baby(ies), and your relationships. You will also receive other, periodic informational emails, including at 2 weeks, 1 month and 6 weeks postpartum. A postpartum depression self-assessment will be included for all clients. I can also customize information for families experiencing extended hospital/NICU stays.
You may also email me during the period of service with your own questions and concerns, and you can expect personalized replies and referrals (if necessary). Please know that if you live outside the NYC area, I may not be familiar with all of the relevant resources in your geographic area.
- For $900, I will extend the above services from the 36th week of pregnancy through three months after birth (the end of the "fourth trimester"). Weekly (optional) Skype or video chat consultations are included, as well as an additional informational email at 3 months postpartum.
- If you are earlier in your pregnancy than 36 weeks, and wish to retain my services now, in order to leave time for more prenatal email/phone consultations, please contact me to discuss.
*Please note: fees are non-refundable.
** Distance Bereavement Doula support is also available, for families experiencing perinatal loss. Please contact me to discuss.