About Me:
As a certified postpartum doula, a certified childbirth educator, and as a mother, I have personal and professional experience with basic newborn care, lactation support (I am a Certificated Lactation Educator Counselor), pumping, bottle-feeding, cloth diapers, baby-wearing, and much more. I enjoy supporting families before and/or after hospital (whether cesarean birth or vaginal), birth center, and home births. I have experience caring for older children and animals, and I have no pet allergies or phobias. I am able to cook and bake for vegans, vegetarians, or omnivores, including in a kosher kitchen. See this page for sample prenatal (before birth) consultation services, and this page for sample postnatal (after birth/adoption) doula services.
I am also able to provide referrals to a wide range of professionals offering specialized services related to pregnancy, birth, and postnatal care -- parenting, family dynamics, health, fitness, etc. -- if some of your family's needs fall outside of my scope of practice.
I am dedicated to providing inclusive care. My prenatal and postpartum doula support can be customized to meet the needs of a diverse range of individuals and families. I am honored to work with families including (but not limited to):
- parents of all ages and genders
- partnered, unpartnered, and/or separated parents
- those with partners who are in service/traveling/otherwise unavailable
- surrogates
- adoptive and/or birth parents
- LGBTQIA+ parents
- those living with extended family and/or roommates
- those who've experienced losses in previous pregnancies
- those who are planning for or grieving losses in current pregnancies (i.e. bereavement doula services)
- first-time parents
- "this-is-not-my-first-rodeo" parents (and siblings)
Of course, many families fit into more than one of the above categories! Whoever you are, my goal is to provide options, support, and evidence-based information tailored to your situation.
Though I am available to visit families in most NYC neighborhoods accessible by public transportation, I am especially knowledgeable about resources in and around the Williamsburg and Greenpoint neighborhoods of Brooklyn. I do not currently provide overnight support or attend births.
References are available on request.
My Philosophy of Care: En Face Support
What is En Face?
... En Face (pronounced "ahn fahs") is a term used by childbirth educators that means "face-to-face, a position in which the mother's face and the infant's face are approximately 8 inches apart and on the same plane, as when the mother holds the infant up in front of her face or when she nurses the child. Studies of maternal and infant bonding have shown that mothers seek eye-to-eye contact and that they will instinctively move the baby to an en face position." -- from Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier (online).
What does this mean to me?
Whether you identify as a mother or not, I will meet you wherever you are in your journey through and beyond birth. I will work to connect with you there, eye-to-eye. I will move on your plane and let my angle be determined by yours.
What do I believe?
I believe every family deserves support. I believe parents and caregivers do the best we can with the information and support we have. I believe in hospitality and accompaniment.
Contact Me:
Find me on Facebook.
Email me: birthsweetbrooklyn @ gmail
My pp doula certification is through: Doula Trainings International (DTI)
I have been serving families since 2008.